Friday, February 5, 2010

Are The Blisters On My Nose Herpes I Have A Question About Cold Sores/fever Blisters/herpes?

I have a question about cold sores/fever blisters/herpes? - are the blisters on my nose herpes

I do not know the technical name, I'm sorry, but I have cold sores / cold sores / herpes or how to get them in and around my lips, right under the nose and chin at times. It makes my skin Palat met me in the mouth sometimes. I was told that they also herpes, but I'm not sure. They are annoying and uncomfortable, but of course different from my face. I wonder whether these changes are too cold, and I suppose if I can help feel Valtrex persscribed next, then the Valtrex in my Palat or another type? Also can someone who has herpes (in fact, is aware of the wound) to transmit herpes to another person in contact with them?


LOCO said...

I think I heard that the ad-Valtrex is an immunosuppressant that each house should be removed, no matter what it is. You should know that you are still a house, when the revenue can get the pill. If you do not let a discouraged.

Butterfl... said...

are probably cold sores, but if it is to ask a doctor.

wackowom... said...

Zovirex Valtrex is the next generation (now generic acyclovir). Chefs on the range? Herpes can have Doc check (if you are in time) go to the next time you put in your mouth. And hell yes, you can pass on to others through touch - the more or less how it spreads. And even if you touch the sores and then say that is the ignition key, and then someone has to open up soon and the same.
PS: I feel that I have to deal with this the rest of your life - I kissed a boy infected (high school) with a recovery in the 40 years he has lips - no, it's not worth it!

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